M.A.D.E with Jade: Chemex Coffee Maker

Welcome to our Coffee at Home Series with Jade Jennings.

With more of you working from home, there’s never been a better time to learn how to make delicious coffee in the comforts of your own home!

Here our National Training Manager, Jade Jennings, takes us through one of our favourite ways to make filter coffee at home. The Chemex Coffee Maker is a one-piece hourglass shaped vessel made of high quality, heat resistant glass brewing clear, pure, tasty coffee without bitterness. We love that its easy to scale up or down – make one cup just for you, or up to 8 if you have a big household!

To get you started, we’ve got 3-cup, 6-cup & 8-cup Chemex here.Did we mentioned that every Chemex purchase comes with a free 250gm microlot?

Out of filter papers? We’ve got you – 1/2 Moon Filters (3-cup).  12″ Circle Filters (6-cup/8-cup)

Shop Chemex.


Check out our Youtube channel to watch more of the series!

Watch M.A.D.E with Jade: Stovetop or “Macchinetta” 

Watch M.A.D.E with Jade: Aeropress
