El Salvador Finca La Roxanita natural

Raspberry, dark chocolate, lime zest

Size: 250G
Grind Type: Whole Beans

Country: El Salvador
Processing: Natural
Varietal: Pacamara
Region: Chalatenango
Cupping Score: 86

Ignacio Gutierrez has been involved in farming for many years. Prior to working in coffee he worked with wood and tomatoes. Then in 2000 he started his coffee farm with just 500 coffee trees. The farm is located in the Chalatenango department of El Salvador on very rich soil.

Year after year Ignacio has produced incredible lots of coffee and in 2011 and 2013 his coffees took first place in the Cup of Excellence competition.

Today he grows a wide selection of heirloom varieties and uses a mix of processing techniques including washed, natural and honey.

This naturally processed pacamara has been roasted for espresso and filter. In the cup enjoy notes of raspberry, dark chocolate and lime zest.


