Chemex now available from Veneziano

Looking for the Purest Cup of Coffee? Then look no further than a Chemex coffeemaker. You’ll love the look of the conical, classicly styled glass carafe which has won no end of design awards. In fact it’s been voted one of the 100 best designed products of modern times, and earnt a permanent place in the Museum of Modern Art and Smithsonian Institutes’ collections.

The slow brewing, drip filtration technique means that you end up with a pure, full-bodied, rich cup of coffee minus the bitterness-causing sediments containing the acids and fats. A must for any discerning coffee conoisseur!

Veneziano have available the Chemex Coffeemakers, Chemex Bonded Filters and other Chemex accessories. Our special offer via this month is a complimentary 250gm pack of Veneziano coffee and a demonstration with every Chemex Coffeemaker purchased. The 1-3 cup Chemex is available for $59.95 and the 8 cup Chemex at $75 . Buy in-store only, at First Pour, 26 Bond St, Abbotsford. This is a great Christmas gift for someone who enjoys plunger or filter coffee.
